A total of 56 students from Department of Government Affairs and Administration UMY Has Been Officially Graduate by Attand the Yudisium Program Period I 2018/2019

October 15, 2018, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta, September 20, 2018. A total of 262 students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta participated in the Judicial/Yudisium Period I 2018/2019. The event was held at A.R Building. Fachrudin B 5th Floor was attended by Structural Officials of all Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UMY and prospective graduates from Department of Government Affairs and Administration with the total 56 students, International Relations Program as many as 92 students, and Communication Science Program with the total number 114 students.
In the speech of Dean of faculty of social and political science UMY who is Dr. Titin Purwaningsih, S.IP., M.Sc congratulated on the First Period of Yudisium 2018/2019. In her remarks, said that “I congratulate all Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UMY students for their best achievements, do not be afraid of failure and despair. After graduation there are certainly many more difficult obstacles than completing a thesis. Be assured that falling in the business is a normal thing, and believe that success can be achieved as long as we want to try and try”.
Meanwhile, the achievements made by the Department of Government Affairs and Administration students in the First Period yudisium on 2018/2019 is that the highest 3.72 GPA were achieved by Alifa Ramadhanty and the youngest graduate aged 20 years and 10 months 15 days achieved by Muhammad Qadry as well as being the youngest graduate Faculty of Social and Political science UMY (Faisal/Erwin)