July 31, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta – July 24, 2019, The UMY Summer School series visits the Bantul Regency DPRD Office, starting at 09.00 WIB until 11.00 WIB. The UMY Summer School visit activity this time discusses the Prostitution Prohibition Law. The discussion was attended by 15 Summer School participants and was directly attended by Mr. Heru Sudibyo, S.Sos., M.M Commission A DPRD as the speaker.
The phenomenon of prostitution usually often appears in tourist areas. Prostitution also appeared in the Bantas area of ​​Samas Beach in Yogyakarta even though there were already regional regulations banning prostitution. In this case, the efforts of the community and the local government in overcoming prostitution at Samas Beach are social control in the form of patrols and routine supervision, implementing Bantul Regency regional regulations no. 5 of 2007 concerning the prohibition on prostitution, holding raids on commercial sex workers, providing skills training, low-cost health services through mobile health centers and routine supervision of the Sanden police station and Bantul police station. the southern part, such as the samas beach, is now cleared of the practice of prostitution, but there are also positive and negative impacts on the surrounding community, one of which is their small businesses are lonely, such as pejual angkringan and other small stalls. Obviously, he was in the discussion. (fhm)