UMY's IP Becomes a Pilot in Managing International Classes.

July 29, 2019, oleh: superadmin

BANTUL – The Government of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Government Science Study Program became a model for similar study programs from the University of Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar, especially in managing international classes.
Makassar Unismuh IP Study Program benchmarked the IP UMY study program on Monday (7/15). The event took place on the 5th floor of the KH Ibrahim Building. In the event, the Makassar Unismu University sent 50 delegates with details of 40 students and 10 lecturers. They looked enthusiastic in joining the series of events from 09.00 to 11.00.
The purpose of the visit was to share about international class governance, international cooperation and also about the socialization of follow-up studies to graduate level in the Governmental Science course, of course.
“We were given a special message to study from IP UMY, especially about how to manage the international class, which we recently opened,” said as Head of the Department of Science of the University of Makassar, Dr. Nuryati Mustari, SIP, MSi.
The UMY IP Study Program itself is one of the study programs at UMY which has a very good development. Even the S1 study program which has been established since 1986 once again received A accreditation in 2019 with the highest score in Indonesia, 371. Meanwhile, for the international class in the study program, IP UMY had existed since nine years ago.
Meanwhile, Dr. Phil Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA as Secretary of the International Class Program (IGOV) IP UMY welcomed this benchmarking event. Ridho wanted all universities under the name of the Muhammadiyah organization to help each other for mutual progress. “We have to work together and support each other,” he said.
Ridho further explained that to form an international class at the IP study program UMY was indeed not easy, it needed a process. Initially, UMY’s IP also had difficulties in procuring foreign lecturers to do the full English language study. “But we continue to do business,” said Alumi at the TU Dortmund University Political Science Department.
In addition, Ridho also stated that the international class at IP UMY has several interesting special programs, one of which is a joint degree. In the program, students will get the opportunity to take lectures at foreign universities that have undergone previous cooperation with UMY’s IP.