Focus: AUN-QA Certification Preparation

July 29, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta, July 17, 2019- The Government Science Study Program of the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held a Workshop and socialization of the certification of the ASEAN University Network (AUN) Quality Assurance (QA). AUN-QA is a university organization in ASEAN countries. The purpose is to improve the quality of university standards in ASEAN. In this context, the Government Science Study Program prepares itself to be assessed and declared to have quality at the ASEAN level.
The concrete step taken is to bring in the Head of the University of Brawijaya Public Administration, Dr. Fadillah Amin, MAP., Ph.D. the workshop went smoothly with the presentation of the process of evaluating the training and preparation of supporting documents. Besides that which is also interesting “AUN-QA updates the standard (system criteria) used. Initially, 18 criteria were applied, in 2011 it was corrected into 15 criteria. In 2015, the criteria were compacted again into 11 system criteria. He concluded.
The activity was attended by almost all Government Administration lecturers, chaired by Dr. Muchamad Zaenuri. M.Sc. and also Study Program Secretary Muhammad Eko Atmojo, S.IP ,. M.IP. (fhm)