Lecturer of Department Government Affairs and Administration UMY Becomes KSP Senior Advisor

December 31, 2018, oleh: superadmin

The Presidential Staff Office Republic of Indonesia (KSP) has named 11 names in the senior advisors or advisors in the Presidential Staff. The names are Dr. Ir Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Andi Wijayanto, SSos, MSc, PhD, Dr. Muhammad Chatib Basri, SE, MSc, Andi Wijayanto, SSos, MSc, PhD, Dr. Muhammad Chatib Basri, SE, MSc, Imam Prasodjo, PhD, Makmur Keliat, Rakhmawati Husein, PhD, Drs Yando Zakaria, Drs Haryadi, Dr Ir Edy Priyono, ME, Dr H Syahrul Yasin Limpo, SH, Msi, MH, Jonathan Tahir, BSc.
One of the 11 names is Rahmawati Husein, MCP. Ph.D is a Lecturer at the Department of Government Affairs and Administration UMY. The lecturer who is familiarly called by Mrs. Ama call was appointed based on her ability and capacity in disaster management in Indonesia. In addition, Mrs. Ama is also active in conducting research related to the disaster in Indonesia.
The role of the UMY IP Lecturer in the National Board has no doubt, he is currently also serving as one of the BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency) Steering Elements. His international engagement also cannot be underestimated, in 2018 He represented Indonesia at a regular meeting of the United Nations (CERF) Central Emergency Response Funds (CERF) held in New York. (Ab).
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