Ministry of Communication and Information Invites UMY Students to Fight Hoax

March 2, 2020, oleh: superadmin

Technological advances in this digital age make information easily obtained and accessed through the internet on digital devices. However, this has become a challenge in itself with the widespread hoax information circulating. As an effort to prevent the spread of hoaxes and also to carry out wise internet campaigns, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KEMKOMINFO) in collaboration with Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University held a Smart Legal Talk with the theme “Building a Wise Young Generation of Internet” on Thursday (27 / 2) in AR Fachruddin B Building, 5th floor, UMY. This activity presented three speakers, namely Drs. Bambang Gunawan, M.Si as Director of Information and Communication of Politics, Law and Security, Dr. Fajar Junaedi, S.Sos, M.Si as a lecturer in Communication Studies UMY who is also an expert in broadcasting and television journalism, and Win Satrya as the owner of the Museum of Toy Indonesia. In his remarks, UMY Rector Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., IPM invited the participants who were UMY students to be wise in using the internet. “Not only hoaxes, we can also do the internet wisely by stopping easy forward habits and also with tabbayun,” he said. This is similar to what Drs. Bambang Gunawan, M.Sc, in his presentation. Bambang gave a presentation on how to recognize and also prevent hoaxes in cyberspace, especially on social media. According to him, hoaxes are easily spread because the public’s interest in reading is also declining so that the information spread is often the result of easy forward without careful reading. “Therefore, to deal with the rampant spread of the hoax, KEMKOMINFO has received content complaint services and has also made various efforts such as conducting media literacy, official clarification and counter issues, and campaigns. It also still refers to ITE Law No. 11 of 2008, which became the legal basis for wiser use of the internet, “explained Bambang again. Meanwhile, Fajar Junaedi revealed that the community nowadays is too easy to copy-paste without understanding the risks that arise afterwards. Not only that, there are still many cases of copyright infringement. “So we have to respect copyright more, especially in academic matters, even when working on lecture assignments,” he stressed. (ays) News Source:

Ministry-kom Komunikasi-dan-informatika-ajak-mahasiswa-umy-perangi-hoax.html