June 20, 2020, oleh: superadmin

RADAR JOGJA – Laboratorium Fakultas Ilmu Pemerintahan (IP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) kembali menyelenggarakan seleksi perangkat desa, Selasa (16/6). Seleksi perangkat desa kali ini diikuti 27 calon perangkat.
Seleksi diselenggarakan di Lab Ilmu Pemerintahan Kampus Terpadu UMY untuk mengisi kekosongan formasi Sekretaris Desa (Sekdes) dan empat Dukuh di Desa Sumberarum, Kecamatan Moyudan, Sleman.
Koordinator Lab IP UMY Sakir Ridho Wijaya mengungkapkan, pelaksanaan ujian pengisian perangkat desa wajib bekerja sama dengan perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam perda Kabupaten Sleman No 10 Tahun 2019 pasal 19 ayat 2.
“Saat ini UMY telah terakreditasi A, dan juga telah mempunyai kompetensi terkait materi ujian,” ujarnya.
Dosen Muda Ilmu Pemerintahan itu menjelaskan, Lab IP UMY selaku pihak ketiga dalam hal ini sebagai mitra telah melaksanakan empat tahap tes. Di antaranya tes psikologi, tes tertulis, tes keterampilan dan tes wawancara kepada 13 calon sekdes dan 14 calon dukuh.
“The skills test consists of the ability to speak Javanese, presentation, chairing meetings, and the ability to master information technology (IT),” he said. According to Sakir, with this collaboration the selected village officials truly have competencies in accordance with their positions. “Selected village officials, in this case village and hamlet, must have more capability in providing services to the community. Besides being energetic, they are also demanded to be more creative and innovative, “he said. He also hopes that the synergy between Pemdes and tertiary institutions will continue. Not only in terms of the selection of village officials, but also related to increasing the capacity of the village apparatus. Meanwhile, Chair of the Committee for Appointment of Sumberarum Village Apparatus, Moyudan District, Titus Indrianto, said that Sumberarum Village had a vacancy of the Village Secretary and Hamlet in four Padukuhan, namely Padukuhan Sejati Pasar, Jitar Dukuh, Pakelan, Jitar Ngemplak. “The enthusiasm in participating in the selection of village officials is very high. Of the 27 participants who have participated in the selection and previous locality exams, all passed, “he said. The selection process, Titus continued, was in accordance with the Regional Regulation. The man who also served as head of the Village Administration explained, several stages of the test had been carried out in the village. As an element of locality, work experience in village institutions, and so on. “Later, the local assessment will be added to the scores from the test results at UMY. Then it will be combined, and will be given a rating, “he explained. He and the selection team ensured that the assessment process was carried out transparently and then there was a process of exposure to the community. And witnessed by Muspika Moyudan District.

Meanwhile, the Head of Sumberarum Village, H. Senaja expressed his gratitude to the Government of UMY as the selection partner of the Sumberarum Village apparatus. He hopes the selected village officials have a qualified work ethic. “Can protect the community, hardworking and honest,” he said when contacted via telephone. From the selection results, elected to the village secretary on behalf of Difa Nuari Sapta. While the formation of the True Market Hamlet selected Purnama, Hamlet Pakelan Yuniken, Hamlet Jitar Sundari, and Hamlet Jitar Ngemplak Dedy Kurniawan. (naf / tif) News source:
