IP UMY Organize Silaturrahmi with Parents / Guardians of New Students

August 29, 2018, oleh: superadmin

The Study Program of Government Science, Faculty of Politics and Politics, UMY held a gathering with parents / guardians of new students of the 2018 class of the Imu Government study program, yesterday (08/25/18). This event is routinely held by Government Sciences at the beginning of the odd semester of the academic year to explain the lecture system to students’ parents / guardians as well as to strengthen the relationship between parents or guardians of new students and Lecturers and administrators of the Government Science Study Program.
Approximately 60 parents / guardians of new students attended the event. Also attending this event were Dr. Muchammad Zaenuri, M.Si (Chair of the Government Science Study Program), Muhammad Eko Atmojo, S.IP., M.IP. (Secretary of Government Science Study Program), Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi (International Class or IGOV), Sakir, S.IP., M.IP (Coordinator of Government Science Laboratory) and Lecturer in Government Science, UMY.
In the beginning of his speech, Dr. Muchammad Zaenuri, M.Si expressed his gratitude to the parents / guardians of the new students for entrusting their children to study in the Government Science Study Program, and congratulating them because their children were legitimate and graduated as students. Considering that the entry opportunities that are not easy from the total registrants that reach 30,000 people and that are only received by 5,000 students become a pride.
Next Dr. Muchammad Zaenuri, M.Si emphasized that UMY applies administrative neutralization and academic decentralization, meaning that all administrative systems that will be run centrally at the University, while the academic system will be the responsibility of each study program.
“So that the academic journey of students will continue to be the attention of the Lecturers, now a Lecturer is no longer the killer era but has become a good friend of discussion. The number of lecturers as much as 29 will be responsible for improving the academic quality of students. According to regulations, it is stated that the teaching load of lecturers is only 1:30 students, so it will be more intensive, “explained Dr. Muchammad Zaenuri.
On this occasion also Dr. Muchammad Zaenuri, M.Si, introduced Government Science lecturers as well as administrators of Government Science Study Program to parents / guardians of new students. Muhammad Eko Atmojo, S.IP., M.IP. who currently serves as secretary of the Study Program explains the lecture process in the Government Sciences, in addition to describing the rules and regulations for the guardian also explains the lecture system, lectures and lecturer profiles. Sakir, S.IP., M.IP conveyed the existence of Government Science Laboratory as a support for the teaching and learning process in the Government Science Study Program by providing computer practice, field practice and organizing academic activities in the practical field as an additional theory that has been obtained by students in the classroom. (RF)