FISIPOL UMY Helps Develop Tirtoadi Village Potential

October 11, 2018, oleh: superadmin

Sleman (04/09/18). The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (Fisipol UMY) conducted a workshop in order to develop the capacity of the village government. The activity which was held in the Tirtoadi Village Head Office Hall, Mlati District, Sleman Regency was welcomed by Sabari (Tirtoadi Village Head) and Ridwan (Tirtoadi Village Secretary). “This workshop is expected to be the first step to provide a deepening of good village governance and the development of MSMEs so that they can speak a lot internationally,” Sabari said in his remarks.
The resource person from the event which was attended by representatives of the Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), Management of Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK), Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) and the Tirtoadi Village Community was Dr. phil. Ridho Al Hamdi, MA (Lecturer of Department of Government Affairs and Administration UMY), Nur Sofyan, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom (Lecturer of Communication Science UMY) and moderated by Sakir, S.IP., M.IP (Lecturer of Department of Government Affairs and Administration UMY).
The theme of the workshop delivered by Dr. phil. Ridho Al Hamdi, MA is “Capacity Building, a Strategy to Realize Good Governance”. In his submission, Ridho invited all Tirtoadi Village Devices to improve their performance and capacity, especially in the field of policy to improve MSMEs and other potential possessed by Tirtoadi Village. While presenting the material, the UMY IP Study Lecturer, as well as the Secretary of the International Class of Government Affairs and Administration UMY (IGOV), said that in the 2018/2019 Academic Year there would be foreign students from the USA, Thailand, and Malaysia to learn and learn more about local wisdom. in Tirtoadi Village.
Furthermore Nur Sofyan, S.I.Kom., M.I. Kom explained the material related to BUMDES, ranging from management to marketing. This Communication Science Study Program lecturer at UMY gave a marketing innovation or introduced the potential of the village by using Instagram social media. “Instagram is currently very useful for all circles, especially as an effective marketing tool rather than other mass media. However, the use of social media Instagram in Indonesia is very high, because the users are not only young people but all ages from children to parents, “said Sofyan.
After the workshop was over, the Lecturer Team of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UMY observed the potential of the village in Tirtoadi Village. Among them are: Tapered Pond, Embung Janturan, Bamboo Craft Center, Rice Fields, and Animal Husbandry. This aims to find out directly the existing potential conditions of the village and the problems faced in the management. So that the Faculty of Social and Political Lecturers Team of UMY will make the observations as a basis for developing programs and activities to manage village potential to realize community welfare. (Faisal).