Come on, Be an Intelligent Beginner Voter, Wisely on SARA issues

July 28, 2018, oleh: superadmin

Korps Mahasiswa Ilmu Pemerintahan of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (KOMAP UMY) visited Smart House of Elections on Tuesday (24/042018) at Bantul District Election Commission. This discussion brings the topic “to be a novice voter who has intellectuality wise respond sara issues that develop in the media”. Present as speakers Muhammad Johan Komara, S.IP (Chairman of KPU of Bantul Regency).
Started the discussion, led by Johan Komara, S.IP participants were invited to try to redefine the essence of the election for the progress of Indonesian democracy. In simple terms, the election is the process of managing people’s sovereignty through voting that is converted into the public office. Elections can be interpreted as a constitutional (legitimate) way to seize power that has been regulated by law.
The second speaker, Ibu Titik Istiyawatun Khasanah, S.IP appealed to all participants present to leave all forms of campaign sara. KPU Bantul has found the phenomenon of sara issues that have been circulating. So that now has held socialization-socialization at universities and instance until the community. Specifically, Titik Istiyawatun explains the form of sara campaign that often appears approaching election. Such as prohibiting the questioning of Pancasila, activities that endanger the state and contempt about race and tribal racial pitting.
The KPU has the authority to recommend to the Bawaslu to cancel the candidate pairs of election participants if proven to throw sara issues. In addition, money politics also can be interpreted as a sara issue and prohibited. So to know the qualified leader candidates can be measured through the vision of mission and good commitment and cadres of political parties who have a strong intention to help the community instead of seeking office and power.
Responding to some actual issues ahead of elections such as socializing elections in rural areas of Indonesia can broadcast through mass media news and information that exist or directly forming cadres of volunteers who do elections education to the community and even technical socialization involving friends of community organizations. End of discussion of members of KPU Bantul provides socialization regarding the voters of permanent rights and additional voters. Currently, KPU Bantul is focusing on registering the names of migrants who will choose outside the region, the requirement is mandatorily registered in the place of origin.