Public Lecture Entrepreneurship Government Affairs and Administration 2015 Bring Owner Cokro Tela Cake

February 28, 2018, oleh: superadmin

On Wednesday, December 06, 2017 held in Amphitheater Room 4th Grade Building of Muhammadiyah University Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, Government Affairs and Administration 2015 held a public lecture as a series of entrepreneurship courses by bringing resource person Firmansyah Budi Prasetyo, SH is Owner Cokro Tela Cake. Public lecture was attended by Dra. Atik Septi W., M.Si. as a lecturer of entrepreneurship and Sakir, S.IP., M.IP. as the Government Affairs and Administration Laboratory Coordinator. Government Affairs and Administration of UMY. Public lectures provide an opportunity for students to examine entrepreneurship through practitioners’ perspectives.
In his speech Dra. Atik Septi gives gratitude and appreciation to the speakers who are willing to attend to discuss to the students. The purpose of the expert lecture is to give comparative if the class is delivered as a theoretical but now the student tries to dig from the practitioner side directly. “We have long studied theoretically about entrepreneurship lectures but this time we need to know how an entrepreneur’s journey hopefully we can take lessons and get a lot of inspiration”, said Dra. Atik Septi.
The discussion was led by Sakir, S.IP., M.IP. in his presentation Firmansyah provide motivation for students, skills, skills and secrets in starting a business. “Entrepreneurs must learn from anyone we need to interact with many people, with different businesses not just the business being run” said Firmansyah. No need to be embarrassed if still start small entrepreneurship, because it all starts from the first step. Many students are embarrassed if you have to sell fried foods, bakso roasted and fried when after graduation later (transition period freshgraduate). Shame the same title that bachelor. Firmansyah asserted “At the beginning we start the simplest entrepreneur first, note something that is around us. You already have the capital of science and character because it is college and when the scholar will be used to be the main character to build entrepreneurial spirit “. A two-hour general lecture is able to encourage students to start entrepreneurship and to open employment and be useful for the community.