UMY Government Science Study Program Get Accreditation "A"

January 17, 2018, oleh: superadmin

thammasat-university-umyOn June 18, 2014, the Governmental Science Study Program of UMY once again achieved “A” accreditation by BAN-PT after 4 years earlier the Government Science Study Program has got accreditation “A”
Dr. Suranto, M.Pol as Chairman of the Science Program Governance admitted very happy because ultimately Government of UMY managed to maintain its accreditation. “Alhamdulillah, Akeditasi” A “can be recovered by UMY Understanding Science,” he explained when met in his office on Monday (21/7).
To standardize the assessment there are 7 standardization namely vision and mission, governance, students, human resources, curriculum, pre facilities, information systems, and research. “From the 7th standardization of Government Science has met the requirements, but for the amount of value we do not know because the process is a little long,” he explained.
In the implementation of accreditation, the Head of UMY Governance Study Program also involves lecturers, students, alumni, campus, bureaucrats, NGOs, and college student groups to assist in the process of collecting documents required to fulfill the requirements of accreditation.
Dr. Suranto explained that there is no significant difference in the accreditation assessment process in the previous years, but the preparation for this year is much more mature than the previous year because BAN-PT has provided standard list which must be fulfilled for accreditation.
“There are 2 benefits obtained by the Government Science Study Program UMY after accreditation. First, it helps the students to get a mission bidik scholarship, because a study program will not get scholarship bidik scholarship assistance if it has not been accredited “A”. Second, get the status in finding a job, “he said.
In addition Dr. Suranto also explained the plans to be undertaken by the UMY Government Science Study Program, to develop a better study program, to internationalize to Malaysia, which will be held in August 2014, to develop the curriculum of Government study program by organizing a national workshop that will was attended by all lecturers of Governmental Science in Indonesia and implemented in November 2014 in order to unify curriculum for Government Studies program in Indonesia, to empower cooperation with other parties especially with government, and to serve students with the best and improve facilities pre-existing facilities to support student learning activities.
I hope that the lecturers, students, and staff in the Governmental Studies program of UMY will be more solid so they can develop the UMY Government Science Study Program better, so that it will give benefit for the students to be more confident in developing their potential and bringing the name proud both the alma mater. “So the conclusion is that when all goes well, solid, and singkron then indirectly Studies Program Government of UMY will be better.