KOMAP conducts Islamic Routine Review "Islamophobia and Oppression"

March 23, 2018, oleh: superadmin

Wednesday, March 21, 2018. KOMAP held a Routine Study in order to run its work program in this period which took place in the Meeting Room of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Building E.1 Floor 1. The study entitled “Islamophobia and Oppression” with Ust . Haris Nugroho. Lc, M.A. In conveying the material “the importance of understanding related to the values ​​of Islam, so there is no negative thinking on Islam and the split between other Muslims” said Ust. Haris Nugroho. Lc, M.A. In this event was attended by Chairman of Government Affairs and Administration UMY. Muchamad Zaenuri, M.Si, committee of KOMAP, and Student of Government Affairs and Administration UMY.
The event started at 19.00 s.d 22.00 WIB with the opening speech of the Chairman of Government Affairs and Administration UMY , remarks from the brothers Nanang Yulia Pranata as Chairman of KOMAP, continued welcome from sister Dinda Jadida as chairman of the committee, then the presentation of the study material by Ust. Haris Nugroho. Lc, M.A is done. The hope of the implementation of the study with the theme “Islamophobia and oppression” is a form of knowledge that it is very important to understand the values ​​of Islamic Religion so as not to create a negative stigma against Islam and Muslims.