General Lecture Legislation Process By Vice Chairman of DPRD DIY

January 17, 2018, oleh: superadmin

DSC_0003Public policy is a decision that has a specific purpose and purpose, in the form of a series of instructions and decision-making to implementing strategies that explain the objectives and how to achieve goals. Public Policy / Development is mostly oriented towards solving real problems faced by society. Therefore public policy can be said to play a role as the problem solver. In this context, public policy and policymakers must have a strong public/community orientation. Public policy must intersect closely with the concept of democracy. Without this intersection, it is not impossible that public policy will marginalise the public interest itself. And become a tool for the power that exists in a nation to commit corrupt, manipulative acts for the sake of few.
General Lecture on Engineering and Process Legal Drafting is a part of lecture activities of the Legislative Process Course. This Public Lecture was held on Saturday, April 16, 2016, at Minitheater UMY. The purpose of this general lecture is to increase knowledge and soft skill of Student Study Program of Government concerning technique and legal drafting process at regional level. As a guest speaker in public lecture is Arif Noor Hartanto, SIP as Vice Chairman of DPRD DIY. In the lecture umu, Mr Arif Noor Hartanto explained about the Procedures of Perdais Formation, which are as follows: Perdais formed by the Regional House of Representatives of Yogyakarta and the Governor to exercise authority. The draft of Perdais may be proposed by the DIY DPRD or the Governor. If during a period of the session of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) and the Governor submits the draft Perdais concerning the same material, the selection Perdais submitted by the DPRD DIY and the draft Perdais submitted by the Governor is used as a counterpart. In preparing and discussing the draft Perdais, the DIY DPRD and the Governor utilise the values, norms, customs, and noble traditions that take root in the community and pay attention to input from the DIY community.