Bambang Eka C.W: Election is Conflict

October 16, 2018, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta – Saturday (13/10) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) “Alternative Election Dispute Settlement” the activity was initiated by Independent Election Awareness Community (KISP) in collaboration with the Government Affairs and Administration Laboratory of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Lab. IP UMY)
The activity aims to uncover issues that will emerge in the General Election which will be held in 2019 both in the presidential and legislative elections. Representatives of the Bawaslu of Yogyakarta City welcomed the activity, not only the City Bawaslu who participated, Bawaslu of Gunungkidul Regency, Bantul and Kulon Progo also participated in the FGD.
The main focus is to discuss how the conflict must have been resolved when the general election was held, “because there could be no problems that led to disputes in each election, because in fact, the election itself was a conflict”, said the former Bawaslu-RI period 2008-2012 Bambang Cahya Eka Widodo, S.IP., M.Sc. As well as a lighter in the discussion.
We cannot avoid the conflict in the General Election, but minimizing the conflict with the careful preparation of the KPU and the related ranks is the right thing to do because the conflict resolution is also a reflection of the quality of democracy in Indonesia. “Said the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, UMY, Dr. Titin Purwaningsih, M.Sc in his remarks.
Fairuz Artha added that the election dispute must be immediately addressed by the election organizers and the community. This must be done because it involves guaranteeing every action, procedure, and decision-related to the electoral process that must be in accordance with the legal framework; concerning protection or restoring people’s suffrage; and increasing public awareness that the voting rights violations owned by the community are true.
The best solutions produced by the FGD are expected to be adopted by the KPU and BAWASLU in resolving electoral disputes that occur in particular in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. (Azka).